Student helped by Sequence device on his desk

Oplan’s new program: The right method and the right tools.

Participate to our new program
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With a primary focus on truly helping our customers, Oplan team knew that to be the best version of ourselves, to create the right answer to the problem we were addressing, we needed to observe, listen and analyze the reactions and use of our tools. While our products were not yet in their final stages of production, we decided to start a pilot project program.

We went looking for schools, teachers, clinics and many others who might be interested in purchasing our products for a small fee in exchange for an essential resource to improve our offering: feedback.

We have been very pleased to see the enthusiastic response we have received and the evolution that our products and company have made since our first few months of pilots. It is partly because of these exchanges and alliances that have been created that we are where we are today.

We are now approaching our first back to school season with Sequence and Oplan to help you get organized and ready for success. However, the amount of positive impact we have experienced has prompted us to start a new old program: continuing to implement pilot projects with a few of our clients.

So, if you or your organization may be interested in participating in the improvement of our products and the advancement of our research force, contact us and we will be happy to discuss the subject with you!